Wednesday, October 16, 2024

 The best semester of all the times

Well well well, i dont really have much of the so called classes this semester, only 4, and if had to pick probably has to be english. One of the reasons is that is easy for me, and i really enjoy the activities that the teacher make us do. 

The worst class, is a tie between Yoga and Proyecto 4. The first because i have really bad elongation, and executing propelly all the postures is a living hell, let alone mantain them for 10 or 20 seconds. My disgust for Proyecto 4 has to do with the fact that the activities that we do are kinda pointless, i mean i understand them, and i get what the teacher is trying to teach, its just i dont see the utility in them, and the teacher is kinda crazy, no disrespect, i dont really understand her. 

Because i dont have many classes managing time it has been easy this semester, so i just leave an hour or two for the university activities and the rest i just do whatever, witch conists in reading, (right now im reading de Asimov trilogy), writing, listening to music (i been listening to Sonic Youth, Smashing Pumpkings, Flume, wich has this amazing song called Take a chance, Fito Paez, Charli XCX and Adrianne Lenker), playing videogames (recently finished the videogame cuphead witch was really fun), trying not to suck at singing, and waching movies. 

My highlight like always is the people that i meet. This semester is no diferent, reconnecting with classmates that i didint see much the past semester, and getting to know 2 really cool persons.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


The best video games of 2024 so far

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 The best teacher of all the times 

Well well well, i had a lot of good teachers throughout my life but i think my favourite has to be head teacher from primero to segundo medio. Her name is Veronica and she teaches history in my highschool called Almenar del Maipo. 

When i was his student she was really strict and seemed very cold, the typical teacher that is hated by all the students, and for the most part that was the case, which was true to a certain degree, with the caviat of that she was really nice to the students that put attention in her classes and do the work. 

I learned this because at the time i was going through a really rough time in my life, because at the time i started to realize all the things that happened and were happeing around me, and understanding them, mostly were very negative things that really affected me in a deep way, and she was really understanding of that, she offered comfort and supported me in probably my lowest point in my life. I think she was one of the first persons on comunicating to me that i was worth something, that my value was not determined by all the things that were happening around me. That meant a lot specially because she was, and still is, a person that admire very much and i am really thankful for that.

I remember that i was the only one she wrote a message, in the senior year yearbook, which was really cool.

The last time a saw her was like one year ago, when i came back to my school only to see her, catch up, thank her for all the support that she showed me and to show her that all her work was bearing fruits. 

 The best semester of all the times Well well well, i dont really have much of the so called classes this semester, only 4, and if had to pi...