Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 The best five things of all the time

Song: A fond farewell by Eliott Smith (2004)

Theres a not many songs that no matter the time of day or hat im feeling can fully enjoy, and a fond farewell is one of them. i have a lot of fond memories atached to this song, espetially memories about love, about how hard and unfair is most of the time. Its a same space that i can go no matter the situation im in, and i will feel that im not alone. the fact it is a posthumous makes it the more hard hitting and "real".

Movie: Paris, Texas by Wim Wenders (1984)

Win Wenders is my favorite director, because the movies depict life witouht any agenda behind, they almost feel like documentaies about people that dosent talk much, but you can sitll relate to them in such a profund way, and that is exactly how i feel about Paris, Texas. Every time a wached it i ended up crying but in a cathartic way, it makes me feel light and pure, like i have all the time on the world to do all the things that a want to, and i dont have to worry because all will have a solution.

Piece of technology: my headphones (audiotechnica m50x)

Probably it's not my most useful item or the one that i use the most, but is the the one who has brought me the most joy.

Book: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1932)

I remenber reading it in a crucial time in my life, it made so much sense at that time, and still does it today, but it was kinda like, the right thing at the right time, you know. The book posed me with a lot of cuestions that pushed me to keep reading, and cuestioning the things around me, and i it is one of my most valuable qualities.

Trinket: my bracelet

I remember that when a bought it i was so nervous because it was really expensive for me at that time (was around 60 mil pesos), and i have never spent that much money in something of that kind. i was afraid of what my family would say when they saw me wearing it, that they would judge me in a negative way. It is probally the trinket that has lasted me the most in my life (i have a tendency of losing things) and it opened the vision about my personal freedom and what in interested in. 

1 comment:

  1. That movie sounds super interesting. I'm going to watch it one day, to see if you're right about crying at the end


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