Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mistki on the beat / The best of the week

Hi hi hello people, today i read the cultural snapshot of Ben Beaumont-Thomas, in wich he writed and interviewed the singer-songwritter Mitski and asked about her past, career, the album "Lauren Hell", what is the meaning of his songs, therapy and the relationship that she has with his fans. 

I never really liked that much Mitski, i tried a lot of times listening it, but it never clicked with me. Maybe the joke that says, if you dont understand Mistki is because you are not a woman and dont understand the "woman struggle" has a little bit of thruth to it, because all the people that has told me that, are in fact women that love Mitski. I feel that Mitski's music is too disjointed for me to enjoy, the lyrics focuses in little details of everyday that, is true that are the simtoms of the problems fo society today, she misses the greater picture, she expresses the sintoms but not the causes of the problems, and it does it in such a tragic, melodramatic, and grand way that i feel there´s a disonance.

Has she pondered what a better society might look like? “Every single day, I wish I were smart enough to figure it out. I just know that the way it is now is terrible and I feel my soul dying every day"

But reading the article i began to emphasize and understand more of his vision on what she tries to do with the music. there's a lot of value in what she does and putting all that feeling ans intensity in all the details and little things in life makes a lot of sense, specially now a days, with all the processes happeing so fast  and things being so complex that is really hard to understand it all, so starting from the little things dosent seem so bad.

Well the top 5 thing that are worth something

The album "No sé si es Baires o Madrid" by Fito Paez wich is a live concert that he did in Madrid. Most of the concert is voice and his piano interpreting a array of his classics with the ocasional apearence of a special guest.

The album "Take the Sadness Out of Saturday Night" by Bleachers.

The manga and anime called "Soul eater", created by Atsushi Ohkubo. Even tho is a tipical shonen (wich i dont tend to like) the art style is inmaculate and creative, relying on simple and strong geometrical shapes build everything, proving to be timeless. Some of the topics that he anime deal with are really interesting

The movie Ladybird.

1 comment:

 The best semester of all the times Well well well, i dont really have much of the so called classes this semester, only 4, and if had to pi...